Thursday, December 28, 2023

Eggs Eggs Eggs for sale!

New for 2024, we are reopening sales to new customers! 

Greetings & Happy Holidays! 


We enter 2024 with our strongest flock of Dino Hens ever. And, thanks to the recent addition of lights, we are collecting more eggs than ever. So, we are going to try having eggs available on demand. We are expecting the wait to be 3 days or less. Just let us know when you are ready for eggs and we'll respond with an availability estimate. 
Finally, we expect to hold prices at $8/dozen, max 2 dozen. 
Thanks again! We have eggs available now! 

Kind regards, 
Our Dino Farm with
Andrew & Christopher Toole
914 885 four eight one four cell/text

Fresh EGGS from Heritage Dino Hens!


🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 $8/dozen 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚

Super Fresh Heirloom Eggs from our Free Range Backyard Heritage Dino Hens! 

We have white eggs, green eggs, blue eggs, tan eggs, brown eggs & dark brown eggs. 

call, text, or email to order eggs!

914 885 - four eight one four