Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Fresh EGGS from Heritage Dino Hens!


🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 $8/dozen 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚

Super Fresh Heirloom Eggs from our Free Range Backyard Heritage Dino Hens! 

We have white eggs, green eggs, blue eggs, tan eggs, brown eggs & dark brown eggs. 

call, text, or email to order eggs!

914 885 - four eight one four




Sunday, May 29, 2022

Chicken Rentals for 2022

!!!!!SOLD OUT!!!!!

Hi Neighbors, 

My son, Andrew & I started a dino chicken rental business in the COVID spring of 2020. It's been great fun and very rewarding to see so many new folks taking up chicken keeping! Kids love it! 

Email us for the 2022 Dino Chicken Rental Agreement, OurDinoFarm@gmail.com 

Watch them lay and watch them grow!

We have Egg Packages for those that want laying hens and eggs right away. We can also customize your experience if you would like to watch them grow with a Grow Package!

Chicken Coop and Laying Hen rental is $595 base rate for the whole season! 

We have more than 15 different breeds for viewing at the moment. 

The types of laying hens that we have to rent &/or sale follow:

Plymouth Barred Rocks

Silver Laced Wyandottes

Golden Laced Wyandottes


Cuckoo Marans

Speckled Sussex

White Leghorns


Partridge Rocks

Other laying hens for viewing include:

Buff Silkie

Buff Orpington

Russian Orloffs 

Mottled Java

Easter Eggers

Whiting True Blue

Cream Legbar & more

We also have young chicks, some of which will become our laying hens for 2023. 

With every rental, there is always an option to buy. 

And yes! We offer chicken sitting services! Normally $25 per comprehensive visit..

We are also now taking applications for volunteer interns (of all ages) who want to learn more about Urban Farming, Chicken Keeping, Permaculture, and Aquaponics, as we begin to open the first dedicated school of Permaculture in the Greater Boston area! 

Our non-profit corp., www.SAVEfarms.org will be offering classes and expanded instruction at a later date, or by appointment more immediately.

Our flock is "Massachusetts U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean," as found by MDAR (Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources) when our flock was blood tested. Upon request, a copy of the certificate can be provided with every rental or purchase. In addition, we can supply you with useful biosecurity information from the USDA.

Call/Text/Email your questions.

See ya 'round Our Dino Farm

Thank you kindly,

Andrew & Christopher

914 885 - four eight one four

OurDinoFarm@gmail.com   Email us to receive a copy of the 2021 rental agreement!



Sold Out! Heritage Laying Hens For Sale!

Thank you for your interest. We are SOLD OUT! 

Chickens, Laying Hens & Started Pullets For Sale!

This is an advertisement for the legal sale of livestock in Massachusetts.

We have a limited number of Heritage Laying Hens and 2-mth old pullets for sale.
$45 ea. & $25 ea.

The types of Heritage Hens follow:
2 x Plymouth Barred Rocks
1 x Silver Laced Wyandotte
1 x Australorp
1 x New Hampshire Red
1 x Cuckoo Maran

Our flock is "Massachusetts U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean," as found by MDAR (Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources) when our flock was blood tested. Upon request, a copy of the certificate can be provided with every rental or purchase. In addition, we can supply you with useful biosecurity information from the USDA.

We specialize in Urban & Suburban Permaculture Education.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

EGGS EGGS! Fresh Dino Eggs for Sale!

Message from the President of Our Dino Farm, Andrew (11yo), regarding our eggs...

YES, we have Nest Run Super Fresh Dino Chicken Eggs for sale. Call/Text/Email to order. Contact info below...

Super Fresh Nest Run Heirloom Eggs

from our Free Range Backyard Heritage Dino Hens! 6 x 🥚 = $4.00 12 x 🥚 = $8.00 24 x 🥚 = $16.00

Current Dino breeds on display: Plymouth Barred Rock Mottled Java Silver Laced Wyandotte Gold Laced Wyandotte Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Speckled Sussex Gold Sussex (our own breed!) White Leghorn Russian Orloff Easter Egger Whiting True Blue Cream Legbar New Hampshire Red Australorp Buff Orpington Buff Silkie Buckeye Partridge Rock

914 885 four eight one four

OurDinoFarm@g m a i l 

We are located in Newton, Massachusetts, the Garden City.