Monday, June 15, 2020

Welcome to Our Dino Farm

supports and is supported by

Our Dino Farm grows everything from Bees to Birds to Boys.

We are based in Newton, Massachusetts, USA 
updated September 8, 2020

Currently Renting:

We have POL (Point Of Laying) Dino Hens, Pullets, and young Chicks

Our Dinosaur Breeds include:

Plymouth Barred Rocks
Speckled Sussex
Russian Orloffs
Golden Laced Wyandottes
Silver Laced Wyandottes
Black Copper Marans
Mottled Javas
Cream Legbars
Whiting True Greens
Easter Eggers
African Chickens

Our rentals are all-inclusive or a la carte. Details below.

For Sale:

Chickens, Chicken Coops, Feed, and all Accessories
We often have limited inventory but can source anything you may need for thriving chickens.

Dino Chicken and Coop Rentals:

Are you interested in keeping chickens? Would you like to try before you buy? Or maybe you don't want to be bothered keeping them over New England's winter? Renting chickens and a coop might be right for you!

This is an opportunity for a fantastic learning experience that we will be offering from Our Dino Farm in Newton, Massachusetts.

Our all-inclusive package comes with a coop, feeder, waterer, 50lb bag of feed, 35lb bag of pine shavings, grit, crushed oyster shell, diatomaceous earth, 2-6 birds (depending on the age of the hens), assistance with the licensing/permitting process for fowl (which is easy in Newton, MA, and we have information about other neighboring towns), online information, and an e-book on how to rear chickens. Telephone, text & email support as needed. We set everything up and take everything away at the end of the rental. You choose how long you want to rent.

If you love Our Dino Chickens so much you want to keep them, there's an option to buy the chickens, coop, and accessories or any combination at the end of the rental. There is a holiday chicken sitting option, where we take care of your birds in their coop at your house. We can also set up a fenced-in chicken yard and even add extra predator proofing if needed. Our coops are suitable for winter, so there is also an option for year-round rental.

We are looking to do a soft start with some local families that have an interest. We have 3 stages of birds available, POL (Point of Laying) Dino Hens, younger pullets, and baby chicks (which also require a brooder, rather than just coop rental).

Our new Sentinel Coop holds 2-6 birds! We should be ready to start the first rental on Father's Day weekend!!! You may end the rental at any time (sorry no refunds) prior to mid-November, when we would need to bed the birds down for winter.

The complete rental with the Dino Chickens & Sentinel Coop for the 2020 season is $595 
plus delivery, setup, disassembly, removal & any extras.
We are currently running mid-season specials on everything! 

Consulting Services:

We are able to provide consulting and guided workshops on a number of topics, including, but not limited to Permaculture, Aquaponics, and Urban Animal Husbandry

Current Craigslist ad

Chicken sitting is usually $25 per comprehensive visit

We are specifically experienced with; chickens, guinea fowl, fish, goats, pigs, bees, rabbits, donkeys, black soldier fly larvae, mycelium, children, and community.

Please email: OurDinoFarm @  and/or
Farmer @ for more information 

We were previously incubated at